Ghosts (US)
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Ghosts (US) - S03E05 - The Silent Partner

Ghosts (US) season 3 episode 5

The Silent Partner

A big investor backs out of Sam and Jay’s restaurant, leaving them to turn to the one ghost who has money – Isaac.
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Ghosts (US) / S03E05 : The Silent Partner
Season 3, Episode 5 | Aired on March 14, 2024 | TV-PG | 21 min. | CBS
Mark as watched
Season 3
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  • Ghosts (US) - Episode 5 - The Silent Partner
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Ghosts (US) season 3 episode 5 Recap and FAQ


Episode Summary

In a comedic blend of the supernatural and everyday struggles, the episode navigates the tumultuous relationships among a group of ghosts and the living. Pete grapples with the revelation of his wife Carol's affair from the past, while Mark's restaurant faces imminent financial ruin. In a desperate bid for survival, the restaurant turns to Isaac, a ghost with untapped resources, leading to a series of misadventures including a risky investment that surprisingly pays off. The episode explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the quest for financial stability, all while underlining the peculiar coexistence of ghosts and humans with humor and heart. Amidst financial crises and personal dilemmas, the characters find solace in their complex yet comforting relationships, leading to a touching acknowledgment of Isaac's role in their lives.

Full Episode S03E05 Recap

### Scene: Ghostly Confessions and Financial Turmoil - Ghosts discuss their past experiences and the strange comfort of watching their bodies over time. - A ghost, Pete, learns to live with the betrayal of his wife, Carol, and his best friend, Jerry. - Financial woes strike Mark's restaurant, leading to desperate measures for funding. - Isaac, a ghost with a hefty sum, becomes the target for a loan to save the restaurant. - Ghosts reveal their abilities and limitations, including their relationships and peculiarities. ### Scene: Failed Investments and Ghostly Relationships - An investment gone wrong leads to a financial rollercoaster, ending in a surprising profit. - The ghosts, including Isaac, engage in complex relationships and support each other through various challenges. - Pete struggles with the revelation of Carol's affair and seeks a fake girlfriend to save face. - The group explores ghost rules through experiments with physical objects and plans to improve their living (afterlife) situation. ### Scene: Confrontations and Resolutions - Pete confronts Carol about her affair, revealing his longstanding knowledge and loyalty. - The restaurant's financial salvation comes with conditions that challenge Jay's patience and Isaac's involvement. - In a touching gesture, Jay dedicates a table in the restaurant to Isaac, acknowledging his contribution and existence. - The episode closes with a reflection on loyalty, betrayal, and the complexities of relationships beyond life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can ghosts watch their bodies after death?

Yes, ghosts can watch their bodies and observe their decomposition over time.

What causes financial turmoil in Mark's restaurant?

The restaurant faces financial issues due to a history of unfortunate incidents, leading to a withdrawal of investor funding.

How do ghosts interact with physical objects?

Ghosts can interact with physical objects if they died with them, but the objects return to them if let go, adhering to ghost rules.

Can ghosts have relationships with each other?

Yes, ghosts can have relationships, including dating and engaging in romantic activities.

What was Pete's reaction to Carol's affair?

Pete was deeply hurt by Carol's affair but chose not to confront her initially to make her afterlife transition easier.

How is the restaurant's financial issue temporarily resolved?

The financial issue is temporarily resolved by a risky investment in Norwegian Cattle Futures, which initially loses but then gains a significant profit.

What led to Pete seeking a fake girlfriend?

Pete sought a fake girlfriend to appear strong and unaffected by Carol's betrayal in front of her.

How do ghosts perceive their existence?

Ghosts perceive their existence as normal, despite their limitations, and engage in daily activities and interactions.

What solution is found for the ghosts' interaction with a candy?

A creative solution involving passing candy through a wall is proposed, allowing ghosts to taste it without direct contact.

Is Isaac considered a real partner in the restaurant?

Isaac is considered a real partner and is honored with a dedicated table in the restaurant, despite initial resistance.

What does Pete learn about loyalty and betrayal?

Pete learns that staying loyal to his wife, despite her betrayal, is not pathetic but a sign of his integrity and commitment.

How do financial decisions affect the ghosts and the living?

Financial decisions lead to tensions and compromises among the living and the ghosts, impacting their relationships and plans.

Can ghosts feel physical discomfort?

Yes, ghosts can feel physical discomfort, as mentioned with an itchy arrow wound.

What is the significance of dedicating a table to Isaac?

Dedicating a table to Isaac acknowledges his contribution and existence, bridging the gap between the living and the ghosts.

How do the characters plan to address the restaurant's lighting and flooring?

The characters humorously consider using whale oil lamps and sawdust for lighting and flooring, though they acknowledge legal and practical concerns.

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