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Shōgun - S01E04 - The Eightfold Fence

Shōgun season 1 episode 4

The Eightfold Fence

Blackthorne and Mariko test their new alliance as they train Toranaga's gun regiment for war. Yabushige must navigate his past promises to Ishido when an old friend comes to the village.
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Shōgun / S01E04 : The Eightfold Fence
Season 1, Episode 4 | Aired on March 12, 2024 | TV-MA | 56 min. | FX
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Season 1
Season 1
Season 1
Season 1
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  • Shōgun - Episode 2 - Servants of Two Masters
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  • Shōgun - Episode 3 - Tomorrow is Tomorrow
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  • Shōgun - Episode 4 - The Eightfold Fence
    Episode 4
    The Eightfold Fence
  • Shōgun - Episode 5 - Broken to the Fist
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  • Shōgun - Episode 6 - Ladies of the Willow World
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  • Shōgun - Episode 7 - A Stick of Time
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  • Shōgun - Episode 8 - The Abyss of Life
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Shōgun season 1 episode 4 Recap and FAQ


Episode Summary

In this turbulent episode, the protagonist navigates the complex political landscape and customs of 17th-century Japan. Tasked with training soldiers and misunderstanding his possession of a ship and crew now under Toranaga-sama's command, he grapples with his unexpected new life. Anjin-sama, while struggling with the concept of having a consort, begins to understand and adapt to the local culture through his interactions with Mariko and Fuji. Demonstrating modern warfare techniques and experiencing a minor earthquake, he is introduced to the fragility and beauty of life in Japan. The episode weaves through themes of power, culture shock, and the beginnings of mutual understanding, all while highlighting the protagonist's personal growth amidst political intrigue.

Full Episode S01E04 Recap

### Arrival and Tensions - The episode opens with a discussion about leaving Osaka via "The Black Ship", though the protagonist must stay behind, considered an honor. - The protagonist is warned not to let the lord win in a race to the shore as it would displease him. ### Introductions and Conflicts - The armies seen belong to Yabushige-sama, all loyal to Toranaga-sama. - Anjin-sama meets Omi-sama, the local lord, and expresses his disdain bluntly. ### Confusion and Commands - Anjin-sama learns his men are safe but taken to Toranaga-sama's city of Edo for their safety, and his ship now belongs to Toranaga-sama. - Mariko explains the possessions and crew of Anjin-sama are now under the command of Toranaga-sama, contrary to Anjin's understanding. ### Adjusting to New Life - Anjin is shown to his new home, prepared by his "staff", which includes rooms for him, Fuji-sama (a consort), and a guest room for Mariko. - He is informed about his new role as a hatamoto, which includes a generous salary and a consort, Fuji-sama, despite his reluctance. ### Training and Cultural Differences - Anjin is tasked with training men for at least six months, under the agreement for the return of his men and ship. - He struggles with accepting his new role, the customs, and the presence of his consort, Fuji-sama. ### Political Intricacies and Personal Struggles - The episode deepens into the political landscape, with Anjin learning more about the local struggles and his unexpected role in them. - Anjin's relationship with his consort, Fuji-sama, evolves as he learns more about her past and the customs surrounding their roles. ### Training and Demonstrations - An attempt to teach modern warfare and naval tactics is met with skepticism but eventually leads to a demonstration of cannon firing. ### Earthquakes and Challenges - The episode touches on natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and fires, emphasizing the precariousness of life in Japan. ### Gifts and Misunderstandings - Anjin exchanges gifts with Fuji, misunderstanding the cultural significance and ending up receiving her family's swords as a gesture of honor. ### Reflections and Revelations - The protagonist reflects on his situation, the cultural differences, and his interactions with Mariko and Fuji, leading to more understanding and adaptation. ### Cultural Exchange and Understanding - An encounter with Mariko leads to deeper conversation about their respective cultures, culminating in a shared moment appreciating the rain. ### Conclusion - The episode ends on a note of subtle cultural exchange and adaptation, with the protagonist in better spirits but still navigating the complexities of his new life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who must stay behind while the Black Ship leaves Osaka?

The protagonist must stay behind.

To whom do Anjin-sama's ship and crew now belong?


What role is Anjin-sama expected to fill during his stay?

He is expected to train men as a hatamoto.

How does Anjin-sama feel about being given a consort, Fuji-sama?

He is reluctant and does not want a consort.

What does Anjin-sama offer to teach?

He offers to teach modern warfare and naval tactics.

What kind of natural disasters are mentioned as common in Japan?

Earthquakes, tsunamis, and fires.

What misunderstanding occurs with a gift given by Anjin-sama?

He misunderstands the cultural significance of gift-giving, leading to receiving family swords from Fuji.

How does Anjin's understanding of his situation and the local culture evolve?

Through interactions and conversations, particularly with Mariko and Fuji, leading to a deeper understanding and adaptation.

What cultural activities does Anjin plan to show someone from Japan if they visited London?

He plans to take them to see a play and walk along the Thames.

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